Developing my Whole Self

Developing my Whole Self
Sunset in Africa as captured by me

Friday, October 7, 2011

Find Your Motivation

I have noticed that I have difficulty starting my blog without a title. The idea is there but the title sort of acts like a diving board, giving me just enough spring to push me over the edge. As I was mulling over possible titles in my head, a Kaiser Permanente Commercial aired and ended with "Find your Motivation". I love the angle they use but, I will save that for a later post.

As I continue on my journey to a healthier me, I have encountered a few challenges along the way. I was dismayed but not daunted. These nagging irritants have actually become building blocks. Well, I think it more accurate to say I turned them into stepping stones. My choice, my decision, my will empowered me to view the world a bit differently.

On Friday mornings I head to the LA Fitness Gym near work to center my mind and challenge my body. A few weeks ago, I was walking up the stairs to the cardio area but, stopped on the landing to get a better view of where the ab equipment was placed. This is not my normal location so I am not as familiar with their lay out. Just as I was about to head back up the stairs, I felt that creepy "someone is watching me feeling". I chose not to pay it any attention as I am learning to focus on myself and my goals. If I am going to spend hours at the gym, I am going to make it count. I am not here to play. I expect results.

I walk over to the treadmill and start my workout. Press the arrows a couple of times, increase the pace. Great song playing to keep me motivated and...screech...scratch the record...nails on the chalk board, what is this I hear? Two men on treadmills next to me are heckling. These dudes comment on EVERY WOMAN that passes by. They made sure not one female was missed. Their incessant chattering ranged from describing what they would love to do her body to wondering out loud if fries go with that shake. If these guys didn't look close to FIFTY yes, 50 years old, I would assume that they were in grade school. I listened to a few more of their very rude, very loud outburst before, I decided to take charge of the situation.

In my mind, I saw myself handing them mirrors so they could get a good look at themselves. Surely, these men weren't making fun of someone's hypocritical...enough said! Presented with a choice to either shrink like a wilting flower and leave the gym or to rise up and push through like a new blade of grass, I knew there was only one choice to be made. For a moment, I could hear the voices of countless women saying "this is why I hate gyms. It is a total meat market. I feel so self conscious". Yes, those thoughts flashed across my mind. But, I drowned them out and replaced them with motivating thoughts. You see, I have discovered that once you find your motivation, you can not be stopped. At every moment of every day you face a choice to feed your faith or your fear.

In my opinion, fear is insatiable. Once you give it an ounce of attention, its got you hooked. Think a negative thought and it wants another. Soon, you will find that the only way to keep fear truly appeased is by seeking other negative individuals to increase the poisonous energy. What's that old saying "Misery loves company". Fear, just like Faith requires constant feeding.

According to the online dictionary, Faith is the belief in something without proof. When I look in the mirror, I still see things I want to change. I believe and hang onto the knowledge that through proper nutrition and regular exercise, I will get to see the proof. I tapped into my reserve of favorite quotes as I listened to the hecklers. I encouraged myself by digging deep. My desire to get healthy and whole is my motivation. I made a very conscious decision to not be moved by fans or foes. Instead of leaving the gym, I completed my power walk and marched straight to the machines to get in some strength training. I actually chose to try new equipment even some machines which directly faced these men. Yes, I could still faintly hear their arbitrary shouts of "muffin top" and "tootsie roll". But, I am so determined and so motivated to reach my goal that not even jeers will deter me.

I could have spent that morning believing every comment was directed at me. Whether it was or wasn't is not my concern. I will not give negativity energy. Things like a lousy nights sleep, lack of coffee, traffic, missing keys, bills and barking dogs, heckling men are all frustrating but that's life. These things will not determine whether or not I am going to have a good day. And they surely will not turn me off course. I stare my motivation in the face every morning when I look in the mirror. I am getting healthier for me. And in my reflection I see life. I see hope. I see victory.

Find your motivation....

Here are a few of the quotes I use regularly to encourage myself. Feel free to borrow :-)

“Don't take anything Personally Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won't be the victim of needless suffering". Don Miguel Ruiz

"Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.' We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do". Marianne Williamson

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen".
Hebrews 11:1

"Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you're right."
Henry Ford